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Recent group exhibitions include Art & Porn, ARoS Aarhus Art Museum, Aarhus, Denmark, and Kunsthal Charlottenborg, Copenhagen (2020) Camp: Notes on Fashion, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York (2019) Slash: In Between the Normative and the Fantasy, Latvian Centre for Contemporary Art, Riga, Latvia (2015) Keep Your Timber Limber (Works on Paper), Institute of Contemporary Art, London (2013) and We the People, Robert Rauschenberg Foundation, New York (2012). Other solo and two-person exhibitions devoted to the life and work of Tom of Finland include Tom of Finland: Love and Liberation, House of Illustration, London (2020) Tom of Finland – The Darkroom, Fotografiska, Tallinn, Estonia Fotografiska, New York and Fotografiska, Stockholm (2020) TOM House: The Work and Life of Tom of Finland, Mike Kelley’s Mobile Homestead, Museum of Contemporary Art Detroit (2018) Sealed with a Secret: Correspondence of Tom of Finland, Postimuseo, Tampere, Finland (2014) Bob Mizer & Tom of Finland, Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles (2013) and Kulturhuset, Stockholm (2012). In 2015, Artists Space, New York, organized The Pleasure of Play, the most comprehensive survey exhibition of Tom of Finland’s work in the United States, which traveled to Kunsthalle Helsinki in 2016.

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